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Thigh Support

All our thigh supports have been carefully selected. There are a lot of different thigh braces for sale, but after extensive... Read more »

Upper Leg / Thigh Support same day shipping, on orders placed before 10:59 PM!


For your convenience we use 3 protection levels, so you can quickly see which brace you need:


Level 1: Is colored green   -- Basic protection.

Level 2: Is colored orange -- Advanced protection.

Level 3: Is colored red  -- Highest protection level.

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8Products Found

All our thigh supports have been carefully selected. There are a lot of different thigh braces for sale, but after extensive searching and testing of multiple upper leg braces, from different suppliers at home, and abroad, these are the ones we selected to sell.


These upper leg supports have been tested as best in our practice and the thigh braces shown below have been used with great success for years by many (professional) athletes and have been considered as the best in their category.
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