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Calf Support

Are you in need of a calf / shin support because you have had a whiplash or have overused your calf or shin? Then we, at Podobrace, have just the right products for you. We have selected only the best calf / shin supports for our assortment that will help you reduce your complaints and eventually make them disappear. Do you want some more information about our calf/shin supports? Feel free to read on, we are more than happy to explain it to you.

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What's the effect of a calf support?

A calf / shin support is put on like a sock and wrapped around the calf. The warmth of the brace ensures better blood flow in the calf muscles. This will result in a reduction of your pain and an expedited recovery of your complaints. In addition, our calf/shin supports provide protection for your shins and calves.

For which complaints does a calf support help?

  • Overuse
  • Varicose veins
  • Muscle tears
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling (excess fluid)
  • Whiplash

Are your complaints not mentioned in this list? Feel free to contact us! Our specialists are always ready and willing to help you. 

When should I wear a calf support?

For the correct effect, our specialists advise you to wear the calf/shin support only when you're experiencing pain. When you're not in pain, we advise you not to wear the calf/shin support.

Ordering your calf / shin support

Did you find a brace that suits you best? If so, then you can order it very easily in our webshop. At the bottom of every product page you'll find a size chart. You can determine the correct size based on this chart. Then you can choose which foot you need the brace for. We have a 14-day try out period on all our products. So if the brace doesn't give the desired results, you can return it to us. All our returns are free of charge for our customers. Still have questions? Then contact us via email, chat or call us on the following number: +31(0)85-4898445. Our team is always ready and more than willing to help you.

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