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Mouse arm syndrome

Mouse arm is an injury to the arm, neck, wrist and shoulder muscles. This injury is caused by excessive computer and/or laptop... Read more »

Mouse arm is an injury to the arm, neck, wrist and shoulder muscles. This injury is caused by excessive computer and/or laptop use. Mouse arm belongs to the group of RSI (Repetive Strain Injury). This is an umbrella term for all kinds of conditions caused by repetitive strain. In this blog, we will tell you more about its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.


What is mouse arm syndrome?

Mouse arm is a painful injury to the wrist, arm and/or shoulder. It is caused by excessive or incorrect use of a computer mouse and/or keyboard. Not everyone is susceptible to getting mouse arm. Some people get it sooner, while others can go much longer without developing symptoms. This injury belongs to the group of RSI complaints. RSI complaints include all kinds of conditions caused by repetitive strain. The abbreviation RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury.


mouse arm syndrome


The causes

Mouse arm can be caused by a combination of several factors, namely: poor posture, prolonged repetition of work, insufficient rest and stress. The symptoms can become more severe the more often you are subjected to the risk factors. Moreover, the symptoms do not suddenly disappear if you eliminate any of these factors.


The symptoms of mouse arm syndrome

Mouse arm does not appear suddenly. Usually, your body already warns you several times. To intervene in time, it is important that you recognise the symptoms. The most common symptoms are:

  • Muscle pain and muscle fatigue
  • Stiffness of the muscles
  • Cramps
  • A tingling sensation in the wrist and arm
  • Numbness in the wrist and arm
  • Neck and back pain

Treating mouse arm syndrome

If you suffer from mouse arm, there are a number of points to consider. For instance, it is important to relax and move around enough. Furthermore, you can temporarily avoid using the painful body parts so that these muscles have time to rest and recover.



There are a number of ways to prevent mouse arm. First of all, it is important to set up your workplace ergonomically. You can do this by using an ergonomic mouse or a wrist support for your mouse. It is also important to set your monitor at eye level. Furthermore, an ergonomic office chair can ensure the right working posture. Finally, it is important to get enough rest and avoid prolonged repetition of work. Therefore, take regular breaks and change your working posture.

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