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Strain / Contusion in the Upper Leg / Thigh

With a muscle contusion, a fall, blow or kick has caused the muscle fibres to be destroyed. A bleeding always follows, this is... Read more »

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With a muscle contusion, a fall, blow or kick has caused the muscle fibres to be destroyed. A bleeding always follows, this is called a bruise. It is pretty painful and has a blue color. If the bruise occured between different muscles, it is possible that the blood sinks to a different place than where the blow occured.


Treatment of a strain or contusion in the upper leg or thigh


Treatment of a muscle contusion must start as soon as possible. It has to be immobilized, meaning: not moving the affected body part. A brace or pressure bandage must be applied. We, at Podobrace, have a wide range of products that can help you with the healing of a contusion. Our number #1 support for this at the moment is the Novamed Thigh Support. The LP Support Thigh Support is also a good alternative for adequate healing. Finally, elevating the affected body part is also important. All these measures are meant to slow down the bleeding in the muscles or in between the fiber. Another affective measure is icing, which constricts the blood vessels, helping the bruising. The correct method is to ice with a piece of cloth between the pack and your skin for 10 minutes. After 48 hours you can start massaging the contusion, which promotes the removal of metabolic waste and recovery.


Prevention of a strain or contusion in the upper leg or thigh

The lack of protective clothing and the type of sport (such as football, hockey or martial arts) are risk factors to contract a contusion.

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