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Thumb - Tendinitis

A tendon is the connection between bone and muscle. The tendon is found in places where the pressure is heavier due to a tendon... Read more »

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A tendon is the connection between bone and muscle. The tendon is found in places where the pressure is heavier due to a tendon sheath. A tendon sheath is a shell with moisture that protects the tendon. These are places like the hands and therefore the thumb. Tendons not only connect, they also absorb extreme forces that can be inflicted on muscles and can tolerate considerable loads.




Tendinitis is mainly characterized by stiffness of the joint, localised pain, redness and feelable heat on the inflamed area. Tendinitis often coincides with bursitis.




Overuse is the most common complaint that causes tendinitis. Consider, office jobs and athletes that exercise too much. Other causes are physical factors, such as osteoporosis or scoliosis (curvature of the spine, which may play a role in the development of tendinitis). Rheumatoid Arthritis can also cause tendinitis.




Tendinitis is best treated with rest, which prevents painful actions. Proper exercise is also good for recovery, where the physical therapist starts the treatment with exercises. In some cases, the joint to which the tendon is attached can be splinted. A GP injects the tendon if the above mentioned treatments did not work. You can also choose different products from our assortment that help remedy this problem. For example, the Novamed Manu Thumb Support and the Medidu Thumb Support / Thumb Splint / Wrist Wrap are products that help tremendously with this condition.


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