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Torn knee ligament

A torn knee ligament can be caused by a large external force, such as in sports like football, basketball, volleyball or skiing. There are two forms of a torn knee ligament, namely a partial tear and a rupture. Curious about more information, such as how to treat it? Then feel free to read on. We will be happy to explain.


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What is a torn knee ligament?

Knee ligaments keep your knee stable during bending, stretching and twisting. These knee ligaments can rupture due to a large external force. This usually happens in sports such as football, basketball, volleyball and skiing. There are two forms of a torn knee ligament, namely a partial tear and a rupture. In a partial tear, you have a small tear in the knee ligament, but it is still attached. In a rupture, the knee ligament is completely torn off.


torn knee ligament


How can a knee ligament tear?

A torn knee ligament can have many different causes. We will therefore discuss the most common causes. The first possible cause is that your lower leg receives a hard blow, causing it to shoot inwards or outwards. A huge force is then put on one of your knee ligaments, which can stretch or tear it.


Another possible cause is that your anterior knee ligament can tear when you jump and then crash too hard. Your lower leg can then be twisted far outwards or pushed forward by this impact. Sometimes the inner knee ligament can stretch or tear in the process. Furthermore, the posterior knee ligament can still tear if there is a lot of force on your knee, for example if you have an accident.


What do I notice with a torn knee ligament?

There are various symptoms you can experience when there is a torn knee ligament. You may experience the following:

  • You feel or hear something snap
  • Your knee hurts
  • The inside or outside of your knee swells
  • Sometimes a bruise develops on your knee
  • You get the feeling that you cannot stand firmly on your leg, which causes you to sink through your leg easily

knee ligament tear



Are you worried that your knee ligament is torn? If so, it is wise to visit a physiotherapist or GP as soon as possible. Sometimes a torn knee ligament requires surgery. It is important to get plenty of rest. You can then gradually do targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments. Wearing knee support can support recovery.

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