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Rehabilitation after Surgery or Trauma to the Ankle

Looking for ankle braces to help you with your rehabilitation after you have had to undergo surgery to your ankle? Our Medical Team has selected the best products to help you with this. Prefer additional information? Feel free to read on, we're more than happy to explain it to you.

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Which brace is best for you?

For your convenience we use 3 protection levels, that way you will always pick the right brace.


Level 1: Is colored green, and stands for Basic protection.

Level 2: Is colored orange, and stands for Advanced protection.

Level 3: Is colored red, and stands for Highest protection.

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General information

When you're suffering from an ankle contusion, your ankle ligaments are damaged, which can cause swelling and pain. It can often take a long time to be able to work out pain-free. How long this period lasts, depends on the seriousness of the contusion. There are three different levels of damage.

  • There's little to none damage
  • A small tear can be seen in the ankle ligaments
  • The ankle ligaments are completely torn off



The worse the contusion, the longer the rehabilitation. In order to recover properly after a severe contusion, so a total tear of your ankle ligaments, it is recommended to engage a physiotherapist. An ankle injury is very annoying, and a swift recovery is desired. The recovery period also consists of different phases. Pain and swelling can negatively influence the recovery period.

  • In the first phase, your body will start to clean up the damaged tissue. If your ankle is still painful, it is best to lay your leg high and tuck your ankle. One or two days of rest is necessary in this first phase.
  • In the second phase your body will start to repare the tissue. In this phase, you can start to move normally again. Painful and sudden movements must be avoided.
  • In the third phase, the tissue will completely recover. In this phase, you can do the more complex exercises again. It is best to consult your therapist or trainer about how and when you can sport again.



Your ankle will remain sensitive for a long period of time after you have injured it. Once you have sprained your ankle, there's a significant risk of it happening again. Strengthen your ankle and/or entire leg by constantly doing exercises. By taping down your ankle, or by wearing a brace, you will ensure a safe rehabilitation. We have several different products that will help you with your rehabilitation. The Medidu Premium Ankle Support and the Gladiator Lightweight Ankle Support Max will help you with your rehabilitation. 

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