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Varicose Veins in the Ankle

Are you suffering from varicose veins in your ankle? If so, then our Medical Team has selected the best products from our assortment to optimally help you with this condition. Want additional information? Feel free to read on, we're more than happy to explain it to you.

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Which brace is best for you?

For your convenience we use 3 protection levels, that way you will always pick the right brace.


Level 1: Is colored green, and stands for Basic protection.

Level 2: Is colored orange, and stands for Advanced protection.

Level 3: Is colored red, and stands for Highest protection.

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General information

Varicose veins are widened veins. Because the valves in the veins don't function properly, the blood flows through less well resulting in pain and swelling. For this condition we have a wide assortment of braces you can choose from, but to help you choose we have selected two for you. The Bauerfeind MalleoTrain S Ankle Support - Open Heel and the Medidu Lightweight Ankle Support with Straps

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