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Chronic Ankle Instability

Suffering from chronic ankle instability? If so, then our Medical Team has selected the best products for this condition below. Prefer additional information? Feel free to read on, we're more than happy to explain it to you.

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Which brace is best for you?

For your convenience we use 3 protection levels, that way you will always pick the right brace.


Level 1: Is colored green, and stands for Basic protection.

Level 2: Is colored orange, and stands for Advanced protection.

Level 3: Is colored red, and stands for Highest protection.

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General information

When it comes to chronic instability, you're suffering from pain, swelling and stiffness on a regular basis. 20 to 40% of all the people who have torn their ankle ligaments in the past, will have a unstable ankle for the rest of their life.



  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Spraining your ankle on a regular basis
  • Instability



Constantly spraining your ankle can mean that you're suffering from chronic ankle instability. But torn ankle ligaments that didn't heal correctly, are also a common cause.



Wearing a brace or taping the ankle down can support it. This will cause the continuous spraining to reduce. Mobility is restricted and the muscles are directed more efficiently by wearin a brace. At Podobrace, you can choose from a wide assortment of braces based on your wishes and condition. such as the Active Ankle T2 Sports Ankle Support and the Gladiator Lightweight Ankle Support Max

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