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Elbow Bursitis

Suffering from bursitis in your elbow? Then take a look at our assortment of elbow braces that help you with this condition. Tested and selected by our Medical Team. Prefer additional information? Feel free to read on, we're happy to explain it to you.

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For your convenience we use 3 protection levels, so you can quickly see which brace you need:


Level 1: Is colored green   -- Basic protection.

Level 2: Is colored orange -- Advanced protection.

Level 3: Is colored red  -- Highest protection level.

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How does bursitis in the elbow occur?

Bursitis can occur when people lean on their elbows too much. This condition can also occur when the elbow is hit hard. It is also possible to contract it from a bacterial infection that's caused by a wound or inflammation of the skin. 


What are the symptoms of bursitis in the elbow?

There are many different symptoms of bursitis in the elbow, because there are 2 different variants. When dealing with non-bacterial bursitis, the elbow is often warm, red, swollen and painful. When you have bursitis caused by bacteria, the complaints are often nausea, fever, chills, redness and pain. 


How can you treat bursitis in the elbow?

Treating elbow bursitis can be done in different ways. In some cases, the symptoms will go away automatically if you take enough rest and avoid leaning on the elbow. When it doesn't go away on its own, you can use an elbow brace. This ensures pain reduction and expedites recovery. 

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