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Privacy Policy Podobrace B.V.


1. In General

In this privacy statement we inform you how Podobrace B.V., Marconistraat 9, 1131JW Volendam (hereafter, to be called ''we'' and/or ''us'' and/or ''Podobrace'') handles personal data. To make certain functions available, we need to process some personal data. When you order products, data is processed that is necessary for the purchase and shipment of your order, and if necessary, this data can be passed on to the supplier. Address and order data are collected and processed for our own marketing purposes. For third party marketing purposes, data is only released to the permitted extent within the framework of the applicable legislation.


2. Processing Controller

The controller is: Podobrace B.V., Marconistraat 9, 1131JW Volendam, Telephone: 085-4898445, e-mail: .(JavaScript moet ingeschakeld zijn om dit e-mail adres te bekijken)


3. Processing purposes and legal bases

You can read about the purposes of collecting the personal data and the corresponding legal bases in the following chapters.


3.1. Log-data

With each access to the pages of our website, user data is transferred through the internet browser and stored in registration files, the so-called log files. The files that are stored contain the following data: Date and time of the query, name of the page requested, the IP address, the referrer URL (URL from which you came to the website), the transferred data, the loading time and information about the product and the version of the broweser that was used. These sets of data log files are analyzed in an anonymous form to improve our offer and to make it more user-friendly, to detect and resolve errors faster and to manage server capacities (see the section Analysis tools and internet technologies). In addition, the data from log files is used to recognize, defend against and prosecute attacks on our offer. 

The legal basis for the processing of the log data is our legitimate interest in improving our offer and managing our server capabilities, in the trouble-free maintenance of our offer and in complying with our legal obligations to ensure IT security. 


3.2. Data processing that makes Podobrace available

To the extent that we process data to make the various functionalities available to you, the legal basis is the implementation of the agreement. In order to be able to customize offers specifically suited to your interests, we process data on the basis of the ''legitimate interest'' legal basis (we have a legitimate interest in direct marketing towards our customers, as long as this remains within the scope of the directives in the protection of personal data and competition law). To contact you, we process data either on the basis of the ''consent'' legal basis (if you have requested a newsletter) or on the basis of the ''legitimate interest'' legal basis (if we send you recommendations for products by e-mail see Chapter 3.5.1).


3.3. Data processing when shopping online

In addition, you can order (movement) aids and other products from Podobrace under mandatory payment of the costs. In this context, we process personal data for the execution of the agreement, in particular the execution of your order, the delivery of the goods, the verification of the credit-worthiness, the execution of the payment and possible guarantee cases. In addition, for these purposes we mainly process your first and last name, your date of birth (in some cases), the address to which your order and invoice will be sent, your e-mail address and telephone number. 

For the implementation of the agreement or settlement, your personal data will only be passed on to third parties or otherwise transferred if this is necessary for the implementation of the agreement or settlement or if you have previously given permission. In the context of the execution of your order, for example, service providers deployed by us (logistics and transport companies) obtain the necessary data for the execution of the agreement.

Furthermore, we also use the information available during the execution of the agreement or the settlement, if permission has been given, to be able to make specifically suitable offers for your interests.

To the extent that we process data for the benefit of the performance of the agreement or settlement, the legal basis is the performance of the agreement. In order to be able to make offers that are specifically suited to your interests, we process data on the basis of the ''legitimate interest'' legal basis (we have a legitimate interest in direct marketing towards our customers, as long as this remains within the scope of the directives in the protection of personal data and competition law).


3.4. Contact

At Podobrace, you have the possibility to contact us in several ways. By e-mail, by telephone, by post or through our chat function on the website. If you contact us, we will only use the personal data that you voluntarily provide us within this context, for the purpose of contacting you and processing your request. The legal basis for the processing is the implementation resp. implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the person in question.


3.5. Marketing

3.5.1. Recommendations for products by e-mail

As a customer of our webshop you will regularly receive product recommendations by e-mail. You will receive these product recommendations regardless of of whether you have subscribed to a newsletter. With this, we use the e-mail address given in the context of the purchase for the marketing of own goods and/or services, which are similar to those you have received from us based on an order that has already been placed. 

You can cancel this product recommendation by e-mail at any time, by sending a message to .(JavaScript moet ingeschakeld zijn om dit e-mail adres te bekijken), but also at the end of every e-mail with product recommendations, without incurring costs other than the shipping costs in accordance with the basic rates. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest in direct marketing within the legally permitted scope.


3.5.2. Newsletter

E-mail advertising if you subscribe to the newsletter. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will regularly send you our e-mail newsletter based on your consent according to Art. 6 (1) 1 lit. a) GDPR, using the data required or disclosed by you separately for this purpose. You may unsubscribe from the newsletter service at any time. For this purpose you can either send a message to the contact option specified below or use the opt-out link in the newsletter. Upon unsubscription, we will delete your email address unless you have expressly consented to the further use of your data or we reserve the right to further use your personal data in the scope and manner permitted by the law, of which we inform you in this notice.


3.6. Other purposes

We process your data to validate, exercise and defend our rights. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in upholding our rights.


4. Storage time

In principle, we keep your data for as long as this is necessary, for delivery of this online offer, resp. as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing it for a longer period of time (we may still have a legitimate interest in the use of your data for advertising purposes, even after fulfillment of an agreement). Except for the deletion, only data that we need for the execution of outstanding orders or to realize our rights and claims, as well as data that we have to store for a period of time due to a legal retention period, is only included. As long as data alone is not deleted because there is a retention period, the processing of this is limited by us, even without you requesting this of us.


5. Cookies

We use cookies on various pages in order to make the visit to our website attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. This concerns small text files that are placed on your computer. Most of the cookies used by us are deleted from your hard drive after the end of your browser session (so-called session cookies). This allows us, for example, to offer you a shopping cart counter, with which you can see how many items are currently in your shopping cart and how high the current purchase value is. 

Other cookies remain in your computer and allow us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (so-called durable or session-transcending cookies). These cookies in particular, serve to make our offer user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Thanks to these files, it is possible you will be presented with information tailored to your interests on the web page. These cookies are automatically deleted after a period of one year.

Our cookies include the following information: Session ID, cache for shopping cart, cache for wishlist, origin of the user, gender of the visited categories, last visited page on Podobrace. The legal bases for the processing of information about cookies for our users are the execution of the agreement and our legitimate interest in making Podobrace user-friendly and safe. 

You can of course set your browser in such a way that it will not place our cookies on your hardware. The help function in the menu list of most web browsers explains how you can prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how you can alert your browser that you're getting a new cookie and also how you can delete all cookies already obtained and block all future cookies. However, we would like to point out that in that case you will no longer be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.


6. Analysis tools and Internet technologies

The legal basis for the processing of your data in conjunction with the joint analysis tools and internet technologies is our legitimate interest in the analysis of website activities and user behavior. Surfing behavior of the user of Podobrace, as well as our interest and the interest of third parties in the integration of personalized, interest-oriented advertising. 


6.1. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (''Google''). Google Analytics uses so-called ''cookies'', text files, which are stored in your computer and which enable an analysis of your use of this website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We have activated an IP anonymization on this website. Hereby, your IP address is shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other treaty states of origin via the European Economic Area in advance. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Commissioned by the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyze your use of the website, to prepare reports about the activities on the website and to provide further forms of service related to the use of the website and the internet, operator of the website. The IP address transferred by your browser in the context of Google Analytics and shortened prior to saving is not combined with other data from Google. You can prevent the storage of cookies by means of a corresponding setting of the software of your browser; however, we would like to point out that in some cases you will not be able to make full use of the functions of this website. You can also prevent the registration of the data collected by cookies and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and also the processing of this data by Google, if you use the browser plug available under the following link in downloads and installs:



6.2. Retargeting

This website uses retargeting technologies, which are operated by other providers. Retargeting can be used on websites of our partners to target users with targeted advertising who have previously been interested in our shop and our products. Studies show that the integration of personalized, interest-based advertising is more interesting to the user than advertising that does not show such a personal connection. The integration of advertising material takes place in retargeting based on a cookie-based analysis of prior user behavior. Of course, no personal data is stored here either, and just as normally, use of the retargeting technology takes place with due observance of the applicable legal provisions for data protection. If you do not agree with the use of this form of advertising, you can deactivate cookies and/or delete existing cookies via the settings of your internet browser.


6.3. More internet technologies

As a part of more internet technologies, this website collects and stores information about the surfing behavior of the website visitor in anonymous form. This data is stored in your computer using so-called cookie files and allows us to analyze surfing behavior in an anonymous form. For example, from which city a website visitor comes, what type of browser and operating system the website visitor uses and which pages he has visited on the internet. Under no circumstances can the data collected be used to personally identify the visitor to this website. The data collected is only used to improve the offer. That is why all IP addresses are abbreviated, so that IP addresses are only processed in anonymous form. Another use or transfer to third parties does not take place.


6.4 VE Interactive

We use the services of Ve Interactive Benelux (Postjesweg 1, 1057DT Amsterdam, hereafter reffered to as ''Ve''). Ve collects personal data from users who visit our websites. Ve uses cookies and other similar technologies for this purpose. Detailed information about the technologies that Ve uses is available in Ve's cookie policy. A list of the purposes for which Ve collects personal information is specified in Ve's privacy policy. In general, Ve uses cookies to collect personal data from users, in particular contact information and behavioral data. Ve uses this personal information to draw conclusions about the personal preferences of the user and to personalize the user's internet experience, for example, by displaying personalized offers during website visits by users or by personalizing the advertiser's website for the user and display personalized advertisements when visiting advertisers' websites or third-party websites. Ve and we are jointly responsible for the collection of personal data in accordance with Art. 26 GDPR. Details can be found in Ve's privacy policy.


End users can prevent Ve from processing their personal data in different ways. The options available for preventing data processing are included in Ve's privacy policy, including the use of the opt-out button at:


7. Social Plugins

The legal basis for the processing of your data in connection with Social Plugins is the implementation of the agreement or your possible consent.


7.1. Facebook, Google+ and YouTube

Social Plugins from Facebook and Google (Google+ and YouTube) are used on this website. This concerns the offer of the American companies Facebook and Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (''Google'')). If you visit a site that contains such a high plug-in, your browser establishes a connection from Facebook or Google and content is uploaded from those sites. Your visit to this website can therefore possibly be followed by Facebook and Google, even if you don't actively use the Social Plugins function. If you have an account with Facebook or Google, you can use a Social Plugin and thus share information with your friends. Podobrace has no influence on the content of the plug-ins and the transfer of information.

On their websites, Facebook and Google provide detailed information about the size, method, purpose and further processing of your data. Here you will also find further information about your rights and setting options to protect your privacy. 

Facebook privacy policy:

Google privacy policy:


7.2. Twitter

The functions of the Twitter service are also integrated on this website. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (''Twitter''). By using Twitter and the ''Re-Tweet'' function, the websites you visit on Podobrace are connected to your Twitter account and made known to other users. Data is also passed on to Twitter. Your web browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of Twitter and transmits data to Twitter. 

We would like to point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the transferred data, nor of the use that Twitter makes of it. You can find more information about this in the Privacy policy of Twitter:



7.3. Instagram

This website also includes plug-ins from the social network Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA (''Instagram''). You can recognize the Instagram plug-in by the ''Instagram - Button'' on our website. 

If you click the Instagram button while you are logged in to your Instagram account, you can create a link to the content of our pages on your Instagram profile. This allows Instagram to add the visit to our sites to your user account. We would like to point out that we do not have knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or of its use by Instagram. More information can be found at the Instagram Privacy Statement:



7.4. WhatsApp

A WhatsApp share button (WhatsApp-Share-Button) is also placed on this website. With the share button you can share contents of Podobrace via your WhatsApp application on your mobile phone. The WhatsApp share button is a hyperlink. If the share button appears on this website, no personal data is transferred to the WhatsApp operator or third parties. As soon as you use the WhatsApp share button, the WhatsApp operator notices which content is shared and that the share button is used on this website. More information about the handling of personal data by the WhatsApp operator can be found in the privacy statement of the operator:



8. Payment Methods

In order to offer you an optimal choice in payment methods, we work together with our partners of MultiSafePay, Kraanspoor 39, 1033SC Amsterdam NL. MultiSafePay privacy policy: In addition to MultiSafePay, we also use Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm. When choosing the payment method on account via Klarna, your personal data (first name, last name, address, date of birth and e-mail address) is transferred to Klarna who then performs an appropriate estimate based on proven mathematical and statistical procedures. The use of data for risk assessment in the use of a payment method of Klarna described in the privacy statement of Klarna also serves to assess the optimal choice of payment methods. Klarna privacy statement:

Finally, Podobrace also uses PayPal. PayPal Privacy Policy: The legal basis for the processing of your data in connection with your chosen payment methods is the execution of the agreement.


9. Data Processing outside the European Economic Area

Personal data is not processed in jurisdictions outside the scope of Directive 95/46/EG (European Data Protection Directive), resp. Regulation 2016/679 (general data protection regulation), as long as it does not concern the service providers or third party providers mentioned in this privacy statement, which are located outside the European Economic Area. In that case, prior to the transfer, we guarantee that there is either an appropriate level of data protection at the recipient (for example, through a recipient's own certification for the EU-US Privacy Shield, or the agreement of the so-called EU model contract provisions of the European Union with the recipient), or a sufficient permission from our user. 


10. Your Rights

If you want to assert your rights as a data subject, submit your request in an e-mail to our customer service: .(JavaScript moet ingeschakeld zijn om dit e-mail adres te bekijken) or in writing to Podobrace B.V., Marconistraat 9, 1131JW Volendam, NL. Please make sure that a clear identification of your person is possible for us.

Right of access: You have the right to access personal data that we process about you.

Right of rectification and deletion of data: You have the option of having your personal data rectified or deleted at any time, provided that the legal provisions for this are met. In the event of inaccuracies, we will immediately correct the data stored after you have reported this. Personal data is deleted when the legal provisions are met, among other things because the data for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed is no longer necessary or this data has been processed unlawfully. Except for deletion, only data that we need for the execution of ongoing assignments or for the realization of our rights and requirements is required, as well as data that we need for the execution of ongoing assignments or for the realization of our rights and requirements is required, as well as data that we must store longer due to legal retention periods. So far as data alone is not deleted due to an existing retention period, the processing is limited by us, even without you requesting this from us. 

Restriction of processing: If the applicable legal provisions have been complied with, you can demand that we limit the processing of your data.

Objection to data processing: In addition, you have the right to object to data processing by us at any time. We will then stop processing your data, unless - in accordance with the legal provisions - we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that outweigh your rights.

Objection to direct marketing: You can also object to the processing of your personal data for advertising purposes (''objection to advertising''). However, this does not apply to the data that are necessary for the execution of your order. After receiving your objection, we will no longer use, process or transfer the data in question for any purpose other than the execution of your order and stop the sending of advertising material to you.

Objecting to data processing with legal basis ''legitimate interest'': Thereby, you have the right to object to data processing by us, as long as this is based on the legitimate interest's legal basis. We will then cease the processing of your data, unless - in accordance with the legal provisions - we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that outweigh your rights.

Withdrawal of permission: If you have given us permission to process your data, you can revoke this at any time with changing consequences for the future. The legality of the processing of your data until the cancellation is independent of this.

Right to file a complaint at the supervisory authorities: You have the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority. You can contact the supervisory authority responsible for your place of residence or the data protection authority competent for us.

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