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back complaints

Back complaints

Four in five adults will experience back pain in their lifetime. For most of them, it does not stop at one time, but, unfortunately, the symptoms often return. Below you can read more about what back pain is, its cause, symptoms and related solutions.


What are back complaints?

With back pain, you experience pain in your back. There are different types of back pain. The type of pain can range from sharp to nagging pain. The symptoms may last for a few days, but can also be chronic. Furthermore, some people experience pain only when they move their back, but the pain can also be constant.


Different types of back pains and symptoms

Back pain can be divided into three different types. You can suffer from lower back pain, upper back pain and middle back pain.


Lower back pain

With lower back pain, you may experience annoying pain in the lower back. Associated symptoms are radiation to the buttocks or restriction of movement.


Upper back pain

With upper back pain, you feel an annoying pain in your upper back. You may experience symptoms such as restriction of movement, headache/migraine, pain in the neck and radiation to the arms. The pain is usually felt between the shoulder blades, but can also occur just below the neck or at ribcage level. Often, high back pain radiates to the arms, neck or chest.


Pain in the middle of the back

Back pain in the middle back is less common than lower and upper back pain. This is because you generally put less strain on them. Middle back pain often involves radiation to the chest and stiffness in the middle back after resting, while sitting, after getting up or while sleeping.  


Back pain can cause annoying symptoms. This could include osteoarthritis in the back, a herniated disc, rheumatoid arthritis in the back, scoliosis or canal stenosis.


Causes of back complaints

Back pain has several causes. Below is a small selection of the most common causes and corresponding solutions of back pain.


Incorrect loading of the back


Overloading is a common cause of back pain. How much you can lift depends on your gender, age and physical condition. But clearly, heavy physical load is a risk for developing back pain. Under exertion is also a risk. If you don't move for a long time, your back will 'rust'. A solution then is to provide the back with the support and stability it needs during exertion. For this, back braces offer the right support.  


Back pain due to incorrect posture 

Inadequate upright walking or sitting ultimately leads to back pain. People with sedentary jobs are therefore at increased risk. An incorrect sitting posture also causes uneven pressure on the spinal column, which can lead to back complaints. For this reason, Podobrace has the best back pillows out right now for sale. These will provide your back with support and stability while sitting, thus eliminating your complaints.

In addition, Podobrace offers back braces that improve your posture so that your shoulders and back no longer hang forward.


Back pain due to obesity

One of the consequences of being overweight is the increased risk of back pain because 10 kg above your healthy weight, creates 40 kg extra pressure on the intervertebral discs. It is wise to combat excess weight by, for example, taking up sports. This will help strengthen the muscles around the back. To give the back the support and protection it needs, Podobrace also has the best back braces of the moment.  


Back pain caused by trauma or accident

A car collision, an unlucky dive into shallow water or a wrong move while exercising, these are some examples of how someone can suffer a nasty back injury. Therefore, especially during the rehabilitation period, it is essential that the back receives the optimal support, stability and protection. 


Back pain after, or during pregnancy?

Back pain after or during pregnancy is a common problem. Usually, these back pains occur after sitting, standing or walking for a longer time, but also when getting up in the morning or even when turning in bed at night. Often, the pain radiates from your lower back to your buttocks, legs and pubic bone. Often this is 'ordinary' back pain, but sometimes this pain is the result of pelvic instability. A physiotherapist can easily determine whether the symptoms are coming from your back or pelvis and give you an appropriate solution. One of these solutions is to provide the back or pelvis with the support and stability during exertion where needed. Therefore, Podobrace has the best back and pelvis braces available today.


What to do with back complaints?

For more than 30 years, our practices have specialized in relieving, preventing or alleviating back and pelvic pain. How? By using the best, most efficient and effective treatment methods and back braces on the market, selected with the most optimal care from a huge range of offerings. All our products have been extensively tested by top athletes over the years and are also used in our Physio- Manual- podopostural therapy and sports podiatry practices. With more than 30 years of experience and knowledge, from different medical perspectives, we can therefore confirm the optimal quality and function of all our products.



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