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5 exercises to prevent ankle injuries

5 exercises to prevent ankle injuries

An ankle injury or ankle problems are common, regardless of your age or what sport you play. A painful ankle can occur as a result of an accident or overuse. Of course, you want nothing more than to prevent or remedy this. Below are some exercises that will improve the stability of your ankle. If you practice these exercises every day, you will experience rapid improvement!


Exercise 1

The first exercise is simple. Stand on one leg. Doing this regularly will train the stability of your ankle. Keep your knee slightly bent for even better results. Always alternate your legs.

Exercise 2

The second exercise is an extension of exercise 1. Stand on one leg while performing so-called double tasks. Think of throwing a ball against the wall, or simply moving the other leg. In this way, the exercise is weighted down and thus stability is improved even more.

Exercise 3

For strong and stable ankles, it is also important to train your calf muscles. They play an important role in stabilizing the ankle. You can easily train your calf muscles with a stair exercise. Stand on the bottom step of a staircase. Hold the banister, lower your heels and then push off again on your front foot, pressing the heel up. This is a perfect exercise to exercise the calf muscles. Do this 15 times and then rest for 1 minute. Then repeat this two more times. Then alternate with your other leg.

Exercise 4

You can train your calves (and thus the stability of your ankles) in a simple way by walking on your toes. By doing this from time to time, you train the calf muscles. And that way, the ankles will also become stronger and more stable. Simple right?

Exercise 5

Finally, you can do a squat on 1 leg. A squat is nothing more than a knee bend. Performing the squat on one leg strengthens the ankle, as it has to keep the knee and leg stable. Do a set of 10 squats, then take a 1-minute break, and repeat two more times. Then continue with the other leg.


These exercises are a great way to increase the stability of your ankles. If you still experience symptoms after doing these exercises? Then we have a wide range of ankle braces for you.


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